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161/1990 Coll.


of 3 May 1990

that amends and supplements the Constitutional Act No. 100/1960 Coll., the Constitution of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic, in the wording of the Constitutional Act No. 62/1978 Coll.

The Federal Assembly of the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic has enacted the following constitutional act:

Art. I

The Constitutional Act No. 100/1960 Coll., the Constitution of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic, in the wording of the Constitutional Act No. 62/1978 Coll., is amended and supplemented as follows:

In Article 24 para. 2, the following sentence is added behind the first sentence: “In private schools and religious schools the right to education can be provided against payment.”.

Art. II

This Constitutional Act shall enter into effect on the day of its promulgation.